About the SCVC

SCVC Mission Statement

We are an active group of Vizsla enthusiasts dedicated to protecting, promoting, and furthering the breed.

SCVC Club Officers

Karen Lake - President

Sebastian Duran - Vice President

Vicky Osborn - Secretary

Carol Keller - Treasurer


Staci Billy

Karen Bravender

Jamie Walton


Christi Valley - Membership Chair

Karen Lake - Rescue Coordinator

Open - Newsletter Editor

Open - Webmaster

SCVC Membership

Membership is generally open all persons interested in Vizslas. To apply,  please return a completed application via email to Membership Chair - Christi Valley at scvcmembership@gmail.com, and include the following information:

• Your name and contact information
• Your interest and involvement with Vizslas

• Sponsor signatures from two SCVC Members

New applicants are reviewed and subject to approval by vote of the Club membership. Members abide by the SCVC Bylaws, VCA Code of Ethics and AKC Rules, Regulations and Policies. 

The SCVC holds five General Membership Meetings per year throughout Southern California (LA to San Diego).

SCVC Membership Application


We have SCVC Club Members all over Southern California from Los Angeles to Chula Vista. Here are a few of recommended training centers based on firsthand experience.

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